Photographs: © Bea Borgers; Begüm Erciyas

Voicing Pieces

In Voicing Pieces, one's own voice take central stage. Within the solitude of the sound booth, with a basic score as a guide, the audience is invited to become a spectator of their own vocalization. This act of speaking and listening to one's own voice simultaneously is transformed into a theatrical and choreographic experience, reshaped with each individual's interpretation of the score. The voice is transformed into a platform of action, a spectacle, or a surprise. Is not one's own voice always a little uncanny and foreign? Who is speaking when one's own voice speaks? Rather than recognizing oneself in a stranger, Voicing Pieces is a chance to recognize the stranger within oneself.


Concept, Direction
Begüm Erciyas

Set Design
Elodie Dauguet

Light design
Jan Maertens

Sound design
Adolfina Fuck

Interface developer
Ruben van de Ven

Marnix Rummens

Script Collaboration
Adolfina Fuck, Katja Dreyer, Dennis Deter, Hermann Heisig, Jean-Baptiste Veyret-Logerias

Barbara Greiner

Artistic Advice
David Weber-Krebs

Research Support
Robert M. Ochshorn, Holger Heissmeyer, Ewa Bankowska, Jozef Wouters, Diego Agulló, Vincent Roumagnac, Taro Inamura, Michael Spranger

A production
Begüm Erciyas and Platform 0090

Supported by the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès within the framework of the New Settings Program

Kunstenfestivaldesarts Brussels, STUK Leuven, Next Festival , PACT Zollverein Essen, Centre Dramatique National Nanterre-Amandiers

Research Support: wp-Zimmer Antwerp, kunstencentrum BUDA Kortrijk, Q-O2 Brussels, Saison Foundation Tokyo

Funded by Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe and Flemish Community, Ministery of Culture.

Something Great