grrRoUNd by Marcela Levi & Lucia Russo / Improvável Produções, 2021. Photos © Renato Mangolin (1),  Patricio Melo (2+4), Lina Sumizono (3). 


In grrRoUNd, Marcela Levi and Lucía Russo explore the various possibilities offered by the “tremolo”, a vibration effect between two different notes. By means of Kraftwerk, tap-dancing, Bruno Tucunduva Ruviaro’s electronic music and the fifth movement of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 2, they produce minutely detailed choreographic research around vibration in the body based on this musical element. Two performers play the piano – a central element here with the vibrations it produces – and the violin. A common theme in a dramaturgy that allows a transition from one piece of music and style to the next, the tremolo catalyses the vibration in bodies and the unsteadiness at the heart of the choreography. The various rhythms and oscillations that coexist on stage develop a polyphonic practice where the aim is not to achieve harmony but rather to cultivate dissonance. On stage, six dancers create images in solos and as a group around the question of instability, reflecting the current political situation in Brazil.


Concept and direction
Marcela Levi & Lucia Russo

Performance and co-creation
Alexei Henriques
Ícaro Gaya
Lucas Fonseca
Martim Gueller
Aninha Araújo 
Romec Walter Pinheiro do Soul 

Ana Kiffer, Felipe Ribeiro

Lucas Fonseca, Tamires Costa

Light design
Laura Salerno

Technical director
Daniel Uryon

Sound design
All team 

Sound technical consultant 
Diogo Perdigão

Levi & Russo

Improvável Produções 

PACT Zollverein
Something Great

Something Great

Centro Coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro
Secretaria Municipal de Cultura - Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro
Consulado da Argentina no Rio de Janeiro Espaço Cultural Sítio Canto da Sabiá
Instituto Villa-Lobos UNIRIO

Fomento a todas as artes - Lei Aldir Blanc / Secretaria Municipal de Cultura de Rio de Janeiro