© Samira Elago, Nellie de Boer

Cock, Cock ...
Who’s there? 

Performance - Film, 65’

Cock, Cock… Who’s There? is not your average show about rape, female bodies, online dating, feminism or the male gaze. Samira Elagoz takes us along on a personal research project across three continents. From online platforms, like Tinder and Chatroulette, to close encounters, Elagoz showcases male–female relations in their brutal and wonderful ambivalence, and takes the audience on a journey of regaining power and attempting to relate to men after being raped. 

Confrontational, unrestrainedly funny, deeply touching and formally simply virtuoso, this documentary performance explores desire, the power of femininity and the female gaze in a world in which the virtual and the real are inextricably intertwined.


Written, directed, edited by
Samira Elagoz

Samira Elagoz
Ayumi Matsuda
Tashi Iwaoka

Management and Distribution 
Something Great

Supported by
The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Blooom Award and SNDO


Total Theatre Awards 2018
Prix Jardin d’Europe 2017
André Veltkamp Award 2017