Seek Bromance, a film-performance by Samira Elagoz, 2021. Still from the film. Courtesy of the artist. © Samira Elagoz, 2021.

Samira Elagoz

Samira Elagoz
(b. 1989) is an Egyptian-Finnish filmmaker and performance artist based between Berlin and Amsterdam. For several years, he dedicated his artistic practice to researching and filming cis-men and first encounters with male strangers while still identifying as a female artist. Today, Elagoz identifies as transmasculine with a high femme past. Educated in performing arts, he incorporates aspects of this medium with video and film, creating his own unique brand of “docu-fiction.” Notably, he refrains from using performers, and all subjects in his works are men. Elagoz consistently places himself within his films as a vérité-esque observer who is also being observed. He has toured his works worldwide in various international performance art, film, and visual art contexts. In 2022, La Biennale di Venezia awarded Elagoz with a Silver Lion for his body of work as an artist.


You Can’t Get What You Want But  (...)
Seek Bromance 
Cock, Cock ... Who’s There?