Photo: Doris Uhlich, Habitat / Halle E, 2019. Performance at Museumsquartier Wien - Halle E, presented by Tanzquartier Wien. Photo © Theresa Rauter


"Habitat" is a site-specific performance by Doris Uhlich that is developed in various locations with substantial groups of performers, who are assembled temporarily at specific sites to transform dance into a collective ritual.

In "Habitat," naked bodies collide, vibrate, and interact to electronic sounds and abstract techno tracks. The performers celebrate their unity amidst diversity. As individuals and as a collective, they claim the space in a choreography that is captivating, highly energetic, and occasionally collectively restful. The space itself is transformed into a "habitat" teeming with unexpected life forms, allowing the audience to move freely within the available space. "Habitat" transcends conventional notions of the body, dance, and nakedness in a subversive manner. It serves as a utopian expression—a fearless yet unashamed ode to the naked body that transcends cultural definitions and conventional ideals of beauty. The body is not reduced to the level of a fetish or an object; instead, carnality is presented in a material sense, showcasing its full mass, weight, and fragility.

Doris Uhlich creates spaces of possibilities that immerse bodies of all forms, origins, genders, and abilities into sophisticated contemporary rituals. For her, the beauty of a dancing body does not lie in replicating the established cult of thinness, fitness, and youth, as it has been traditionally defined and sculpted. Instead, she questions this prevailing state of corporeality and seeks possibilities and strategies to reshape and redefine our understanding of the subject.

Previous iterations of “Habitat” include: Habitat / Copenhagen (Metropolis - Art and Performance in Public Space, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2023); Habitat / Trondheim(Rosendal Teater, Trondheim, Norway, 2022);  Habitat / Köln (Schauspiel Köln / Britney X Festival, Cologne, Germany, 2022); Habitat / Domenig Steinhaus (Steindorf am Ossiacher, Austria), Habitat / Bristol, (The Galleries as part Mayfest - Bristol Biennial Festival of Contemporary Theatre, UK, 2022);  Habitat / Marseille (La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France, 2022); Habitat / Halle E ( Tanzquartier Wien- Halle E, Vienna, Austria, 2019); Habitat / Secession Wien (Wiener Secession as part of ImPulsTanz, Vienna, Austria, 2017).  


Concept, Choreography 

Doris Uhlich

Dramaturgical consultant 

Theresa Rauter

Artistic assistents, Production 

Sebastian Lorenz
Theresa Rauter

Choreographic realisation (when more than 90 people perform)

Robyn/Hugo Le Brigand

Boris Kopeinig

Light Design 

Gerald Pappenberger, Jan Wagner


Tanzquartier Wien 
insert (Theaterverein)

Something Great 

insert (Theaterverein) is funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna and the Federal Chancellery of Austria.