Photographs: more than naked © Andrea Salzmann, Theresa Rauter

More Than Naked 

In more than naked, twenty naked dancers make their flesh wiggle, wobble, and crack. Their bodies slap against each other, sweating and snapping to dance floor hits and lavish sounds.

Twenty people on stage are more than a group - they are a society. And this society sets itself in motion. As the movement unfolds, Doris Uhlich stands on stage, DJing to the whole event the motto being “Let’s party our body!more than naked manages to bring to the stage nakedness free of ideology and provocation.

Doris Uhlich was already occupied with making “her flesh” swing in her previous piece more then enough. In the process, she developed a fat-dance technique. more than naked is a consistent continuation of this concern with body discourses, and it blasts away conventional ideas of body, dance, and nakedness with tremendous subversiveness.

The dancers in the project were participants of a workshop, also titled more than naked, that Doris Uhlich gave in 2012 at ImPulsTanz (Vienna - AT). 


Doris Uhlich

Artistic advisor
Yoshie Maruoka

Dramaturgical collaborator
Christine Standfest

Zinzi Buchanan
Neil Callaghan
Paige Culley
Mihaela Alexandra Dancs
Andreea Maria David
Lucia Di Pietro
Stefanie Eisl
Aleksandar Georgiev
Tova Gerge
Katharina Hölzl
Ofelia Jarl Otega
Costas Kekis
Petros Konnaris
Lilach Livne
Milan Loviska
Aloun Marchal
Andrius Mulokas
Katarzyna Szugajew
Andrew Tay
Doris Uhlich
Thales Weilinger 

Nadja Räikkä

Gerald Pappenberger

Christine Sbaschnigg
Theresa Rauter

insert (Theaterverein)

Something Great

insert (Theaterverein) is subsidised by the cultural department of Vienna and the bmu:kk.