Photos: Amanda Piña, Mountains in Resistance – The School of Mountains and Water, 2022.  Courtesy of the artist. Photo by Studio Fortuna. 

Mountains in Resistance - The School of Mountains and Water 

In Mountains in Resistance – The School of Mountains and Water, the Vienna-based Mexican-Chilean choreographer and performance artist Amanda Piña continues her long-term research into the ongoing loss of our planet’s cultural and biological diversity. Mountains in Resistance – The School of Mountains and Water consists of a three-day program including lectures, discussions, and installations as well as a tour followed by a performative parcours and a workshop in the mountains (site specific).  

Mountains in Resistance is conceived as a school of unlearning the modern/colonial idea of the Human as pre-existent and separated from that which sustains its life, proposing connections of care between human bodies and bodies of mountains, glaciers, and water. It is therefore key to recognize mountains as living bodies, active in the reproduction of water as life. 


Artistic Direction
Amanda Piña 

Artistic Collaboration
Leonel Lienlaf
Cecilia Vallejos
Michel Jimenez
Juan José Ramirez Katira

Choreography Assistant
Pierre-Louis Kerbart

Overall Design
Michel Jimenez

Performed by
Amanda Piña
Carolina Cifras
Alex Sanzana
Daniela Santibañez
Pierre-Louis Kerbart
Leonel Lienlaf
Juan José Ramirez

Musical Composition and Sound Design Rodrigo Aros

Costume Design
Federico Proto
Carolina Castro 

With contributions from
Leonel Lienlaf, Juan José Ramirez Katira (Mara’akame, Wixarika, artist and activist), and other guest speakers to be defined.

Text Editing
Amanda Piña
Cecilia Vallejos

Soledad Falabella

Marta Huepe
Amanda Piña
Leonel Lienlaf
Michel Jiménez
María José Parga


Something Great

Funded by the Cultural Department of the City of Vienna, Arts and Culture Division of the Federal Chancellery of Austria